Category Archives: Point of no return

Make ahead, kale and quinoa Salad

I would categorize kale as a super food.  Kale and members of the Brassica family, are  rich in many minerals and vitamins. It has  anti-viral nutrients, rich with  anti-oxidants such as  polyphenolic flavonoid, vitamins A,B-6, C, K, and minerals.  Scientists have found that these foods  can help support and lower the risk of stroke, coronary heart disease, inflammation and oxidative stress. Continue reading Make ahead, kale and quinoa Salad

And the winner is….

According to US News, the best rated real food diet is DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension). 2016 panelists’ found the DASH diet  to be a sound diet without restrictions and has foods that we (North Americans) are accustomed to eating.  What’s interesting is that according to, the diet “can be considered an Americanized version of the Mediterranean diet”.  It so happens, that Mediterranean diet is ranked #2.

I was curious about the DASH diet, and on their website, they have 3 different iterations…talk about a marketing genius!  They are Original, Weight Loss and Vegatarian. Geez, this  customized plan covers all the options out there.

Digging deeper, I found a newer diet called the MIND diet, this is a hybrid between DASH and Mediterranean.  What I find interesting is the statistic from a 2015 study, that  out of 900 participants, 54% of them where less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease, compared to 39% of those on DASH. The Mediterranean dieters were 53% less likely. The MIND diet, consist of plenty of whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products, and six servings a day of leafy greens.

This is insane, all these diet options – how do you know which one is right for you?  Working with your doctor can help simplify options, but definitely consider one that you can stick with longterm, make it your Lifestyle Plan.


Start of a new day, again

I’m now 203 pounds, my wedding ring and my size 12 pants don’t fit me!  This is technically considered OBESE – yikes!   To make matters worse, I  watched myself gain 10 pounds over a month when I had shingles last month. Yes,  I had shingles at 41! This is not common and happened because of stress. Stress can do wonders to our bodies. When I’m nervously stressed, I can’t see food. Continue reading Start of a new day, again